Over this holiday period, we’ve been playing a lot of boardgames at home.  Catan is a favourite at the moment and while all the components used to be kept in bags, I decided to model up a custom insert to hold everything.  I know you can purchase these inserts already, but I do enjoy designing and 3D printing my own things 🙂

First step was to measure each set of items and start modelling it in CAD.  TinkerCad is my go-to software, especially for things with pretty simple geometries.   I give about a 1mm clearance around object to allow for some printer intolerances and I’ve learnt from experience to make sure there are finger holes to make it easier to get things out 😂

Resource cards are underneath the Player Cards / Longest Road / Largest Army cards


Then slice with Cura and print on my Ender 3 with white PLA+ filament.

Version 1 was a little tight with the hex tiles and I forgot a spot for the Port tiles so some quick modifications to get version 2!


We keep all the player pieces in little plastic boxes, and the outer board pieces slot neatly down the side.

The card holder is not mine, however it is a fantastic design I found on Thingiverse by thadwold – https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2776071