Over the weekend I had the great privillage to be a part of the 2011 RoboCup Junior, Australian Championships.  Each year we hold the National competition in a different part of Australia, and this year it was in Hobart for the very first time.

The venue at UTAS was fantastic and the local organisers did an absolutely amazing job of the whole weekend.  In total over 160 teams and over 400 students competed in the 3 different divisions; Dance, Rescue and Soccer.

I spent the majority of time in the rescue sections and with 45+ teams in Rescue and 35+ teams in Premier Rescue we certainly had our work cut out for us.  As usual I got more caught up with the comp rather than taking photos so here are just a few.

 I did however set up a small webcam and take a time lapse over the 2 days.  Below are a couple of videos from the weekend.



Rob Torok took a lot more photos and has done some excellent timelapse of the main venue, it is well worth checking out his page – http://robtorok.blogspot.com/2011/09/robocup-junior-australian-open-2011.html

On a sadder note, it was at this competition that I stepped down as Chairman of RoboCup Junior Australia after 3 years (who wuld have thought having a child would eat into your spare time?!).  I’m still staying very involved, just not in the top job 🙂