
How do you store your LEGO?

Back in 2009 I collated a bunch of different ideas from teachers and educators on the LEGOengineering mailing list on how they store their LEGO in class.  It was originally turned into a pdf but wasn't easy to find, so I thought I'd reproduce it here and link it in a few more places.

Do you use any of these methods?  Something completely different?


When asked "How do you store your LEGO?" there is no single correct way that suits every classroom. What follows below is a collection of different ideas that were gathered together from teachers from all over the world via the LEGO engineering mailing list. This mailing list has over 200 participants, exchanging ideas about how robotics is taught in schools. Please join us and help grow the community of robotics educators.


Karen Rouse Technology Coordinator Pacific Pines Primary

Here at Pac Pines we currently have 12 RCX & 4 NXT robotics kits. Students in Years 4 to 7 participate in robotics programming activities at before and after school clubs. Because our club activities are mainly programming based challenges at the moment the students generally just use pre-built robots.


The robots have all been given a name and the students have laminated and attached name cards to each robot like a number plate (see Bizzy & Bella Close Up - pic attached). The robots have a set parking spot (also named) on a shelf in our Tech Lab where they always go back to when they are not being used (Robot Parking pic attached). Because our Tech Lab is in our library and the robotics storage area is in a corridor between the two it is a high traffic area where many little fingers might like to play with the robots so to avoid that as much as possible we add covers to the front of the Robot Parking area when robotics is not on (see Robot Parking Covers pic attached).

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