
3D Printing – Catan boardgame insert

Over this holiday period, we've been playing a lot of boardgames at home.  Catan is a favourite at the moment and while all the components used to be kept in bags, I decided to model up a custom insert to hold everything.  I know you can purchase these inserts already, but I do enjoy designing and 3D printing my own things :)

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4 Starter Arduino Projects for Classrooms

I'm often asked by Teacher about what more they can do with Arduino's beyond just flashing LED's.  I've put together a few simple projects that could serve as starting points for students wishing to build on their existing knowledge of Arduinos.  Watch the video below, and then see Project description / Code / Wiring diagrams below.

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SPYKEE – SPIKE Prime Classroom Build Instructions

This is my simple SPIKE Prime Building Instructions.  It is very quick to build and uses very few pieces.  This makes it useful in a classroom setting as it means that teachers can spend less time building, and more time programming.

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Why have a 3D printer in class?

I'm often asked what are the benefits of 3D printers in schools. Too often people look at the 'product' that is being made by the students and incorrectly believe that the educational value is in this final product. They look at the bookmark / bag tag / coin that is painfully created in the 3D printer and wonder how 'useful' that could possibly be.

However, this is not the right way to look at the problem. The real educational value in these projects is more along the lines of the process that students follow.

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USC – STEM Robotics Day

I recently ran a multi-day STEM camp robotics day for the University of the Sunshine Coast. Here are a few of the projects we did - Mobility Challenge, Robot Wave, Ball throw and Musical Instrument.

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