While the majority of my robotics workshops are held at schools, I on occasions am able to run workshops for Homeschoolers groups.  Homeschooling is not as popular here in Australia as it is in the USA, but it is great to see that these groups get together regulalry for the kids to experience things they might not be able to do at home.

This is a lovely writeup of a recent workshop I ran.  We did BeeBots with the young ones for about an hour in the morning, and then spent the rest of the day with the older kids building and programming LEGO mindstorms robots.


Source: http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8239/8640763955_80e73aa17d.jpg


The Robot Wave activity has always been my favourite and this time it was captured on video 

LEGO MINDSTORMS from Tracey L on Vimeo.

Source: http://vimeo.com/63884094


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